Volunteer Wellington’s Mahi Aroha Awards held during National Volunteer Week 18-24 June 2023 honour the collective energies and mana of volunteers in the Wellington area.
entire month of June is a celebration of volunteering with the Big
Shout Out focusing attention on recognising and thanking volunteers
for the contribution they make to New Zealand.
I would like to offer a mighty massive thank-you to all who volunteer in Wellington!
Whether you plant native trees, read library books to children, support our rangatahi at Take 10 on Courtenay Place, take meals to our elderly, set traps at Zealandia, referee at Netball, or provide companionship to our must vulnerable, we thank-you.
You are the backbone of making Wellington work for good. Every hour and every action makes a massive difference to our city.”
Deputy Mayor, Laurie Foon
of the Year Winner
– Gail Marshall from Community Comms Collective
Volunteer of the Year Runner up – Chris Hare from Hataitai Childcare Collective & Community House
Volunteer of the Year Highly commended - Ananyaa Dharmarajan from Swaratmika NZ
Team Governance winner – Mothers Network Board
Excellence in Governance Special Award - Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Aotearoa Board
Employee Volunteering Team winner – Busy Bee Quilt Shop, Kilbirnie for volunteering with Wellington Hospitals Foundation
Volunteering Team runner up
– Department of Corrections for volunteering with Wellington City
Highlights from the Mahi Aroha Awards 2023
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